-(Foreignpolicy 6/2) Sorry, Mitt: It Won't Be an American Century: American politicians should stop pretending the United States runs the world

-(Inquirer 7/2) Talks on expanding US military presence still on—Del Rosario: the meeting was “still tentatively scheduled for March”

-(Ipsnews 6/2)Philippines Seeking U.S. Help Against China’s Bullying: Philippines may be wading into choppy diplomatic waters by turning to the United States to counter China’s aggressiveness in the South China Sea

-(Defensenews 5/2)Vietnam’s Asymmetrical Strategy: Location Offers Advantages Over China: Vietnam does not need to match China ship for ship, but rather take its doctrine of guerrilla warfare to the high seashomeports at will, while a stricken Chinese fleet would more or less be lost.

-(Scmp 5/2)Russians in Manila Bay? What is afoot? Moscow may just be looking for a new customer for its weapons, but naval visit to Philippines hints at Russian concern at China's grip on strategic waters

-(Nhk 5/2)China focus of discussion at security conference: Discussions at an annual high-level security conference in Munich, Germany, took up the theme of Asia, including China's naval expansion.