- (American Enterprise Institute 2/3) Asian Tide - The oceangoing phase of long-range Chinese strategy - This picture of Chinese strategy is so shockingly at variance with contemporary thinking about maritime strategy that the temptation to dismiss it will be strong.

- (Wall Street Journal 2/3) Russia Fears China, Not Japan - For that reason, Tokyo and Moscow need to guard against a new crisis in their relations and should instead consider jointly how to deal with the Chinese security challenge they both face.

- (AP 2/3) Clinton says US in direct competition with China

- (Wall Street Journal 2/3) The Decline of U.S. Naval Power - Sixty ships were commonly underway in America's seaward approaches in 1998, but today there are only 20. We are abdicating our role on the oceans.

- (Jakarta Globe 28/2) Could China’s Influence Split Asean in Two? Thanks to the lopsided development of the Greater Mekong Subregion, propelled by China with the help of the Asian Development Bank, the area along China’s border has been transforming into a bloc of its own — a trend that could permanently divide Asean.

- (New York Times 28/2) With Its Eye on China, Japan Builds Up Military

- (Foreign Policy/ Viet-studies) China's Search for a Grand Strategy

- (BBC 28/2) China to offer islands for hire - A Strategic move?